
20 years experiences of design, supply & installation of under floor warming system in HK help you to solve any problems

20 年 經驗的地暖工程專家為你解答任何疑問

Contact: Mr. Wong




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multi-comfort floor heating

Completed around 800 jobs with 4650 installations in HK, Macau and China since 1999

由 1999 年至今已經完成了近 800 個項目 (4650 套地暖專用發熱系統)

唯一一間在香港、澳門區內專門從事地暖工程接近 20 年之久,非其它公司可比

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Design electric under floor warming systems


  • 將第二層絕緣材料 (outer PTFE jacket) 由原來 0.2 mm 厚度增加至 0.4mm 的厚度

  • 加入一層保護性更強的 Kapton Film



Double PTFE heating elements (雙重 PTFE 最高規格的絕緣材料)

Outstand grade of PTFE: waterproof, anti-corrosion, anti-alkaline, anti-oxidation, abrasion resistance, thermal resistance and electrical insulation 


PTFE 材料是市場上唯一可達最高標準的絕緣材料: 包括防水、防鹼、防腐、防氧化、防磨蝕、抗高溫及防漏電可達最高級別 (outstand grade)


Outstand grade of PTFE (better than excellent grade): 


1. waterproof

2. anti-corrosion

3. anti-alkaline

4. anti-oxidation

5. abrasion resistance

6. thermal resistance

7. electrical insulation


PTFE 材料是市場上唯一可達最高規格的絕緣材料 (outstanding grade) (較excellent grade 更高規格): 








7.防漏電可達最高級別 (outstand grade)


 必須注意: 我們合共有 2 層 PTFE + 1 層 Kapton Film 保護 

地台發熱 and heated floor heating cables, heated floor 地板發熱系統 電暖毛巾架 and heated towel racks mirror demisters 電熱防霧鏡貼衣櫃防潮板 cabinet heater towel warmers

Knowledge of electric under floor warming system


Different types of under floor warming system


The best choice of the floor warming system


Very important things before choosing under floor warming system


The best choice of HK supplier and installer


How to design electric floor warming system


Watt density VS. Surface temperature


最高級別的絕緣材料: PTFE

中等級別的絕緣材料: PVC


double PTFE heating element

(How to design under floor warming system?) 如何設計地暖系統?

Excellent design of a under floor warming system: 

How to design enough watt density and provide suitable components for your under floor warming system?

1.      At least using 200W/m2 watt density (for reference only, will be different case by case)

2.      Use the surface temperature not higher than 60 deg C to avoid any damage of the floor materials

3.      You will get at least 28-30 deg C surface temp of the marble floor, tile floor, etc. (for reference only, will be different case by case)

4.      The interval of each heating element should be approx xx mm (x  inches)

5.      Use insulation layer x mm PE with aluminum facing to distribute even heat everywhere (we provide specially for under floor warming system insulation layer).

6.      Use 5mm anti-corrosion, alkaline resistance fibermesh to protect the whole laying area of the under floor warming system to increase the strength of the screed and protect the heating elements

7.      To cover at least  xx mm thick protective cement sand screed on top of the whole laying areas (Very important to protect the under floor warming system) (never cover only x mm to x mm screed, otherwise you will find your heating system will be more easier damaged   

(Please call us for more technical details to avoid disclose to other competitors)



1.      設計 (watt density (heat density) 功率必須最少為 200W/m2,這樣的話你的地暖系統便能產生足夠的地台表面溫度 28 deg C(每個位置必須計算清楚,只作參考)

2.      選擇地暖專用發熱線的表面溫度不要超過 60 deg C,否則你的地板材料可能會發黑或損壞。

3.      若使用雲石、地台瓦或地磚材料的話,200W/m2可產生 28 deg C的表面溫度。(每個位置必須計算清楚,只作參考)

4.      每條地暖專用發熱線的距離不可多於 50 mm (2 ) ,否則你的地板溫度會不足夠。

5.      必須使用較薄的保溫材料,否則覆蓋的水泥層的厚度會相應增加,影響表面溫度及浪費室內空間。5 mm 的保溫材料可放約 25 mm 的保護水泥層,但 25 mm (1 ) 的保溫板必須要放最少 50mm (2 ) 水泥保護層在你的地暖系統上,加上你的地板材料等會佔去你室內的空間最少100mm (4 ) 以上。否則你的水泥層會爆裂而引致你的地板材料會撲起。亦由於地台整體非常厚而嚴重影響溫度不足。(我們使用專門用在地暖系統的 x mm PE材料及叫廠家在表面加上鋁箔使到溫度更平均及散熱效果更理想。) (由於某些沒有經驗的供應商或行家經常抄襲我們的施工放法,因為我司不會在此顯示尺寸,請至電詢問!)

6.      使用地暖專用的纖維保護格網,加強水泥保護層的強度並保護發熱線的表面(因此放水泥層時,挖平水泥層的工具不會直接碰到發熱線的表面)

必須敷設最少 25 mm的保護水泥層,若你發覺保護你的地暖系統的水泥層太薄的話 (有些只有 5 – 10 mm 或不足 25 mm) ,你的發熱線有機會已經被損壞表面甚至內部的結構,這樣的話會產生漏電情況,非常危險。(由於某些沒有經驗的供應商或行家經常抄襲我們的施工放法,因為我司不會在此顯示尺寸,請至電詢問!)

Since 1999, all the projects using HOTWIRE electric under floor warming systems in HK, Macau and the Mainland China (some projects) were done and through our company or our recognized company. If there is any other company says that any projects within the period through their company, our company reserve the right to charge with an offense.

由 1999 年至今所有在香港、澳門及某些在大陸 (某些項目) 的項目使用 HOTWIRE地暖專用發熱線系統均為我司或我司承認的公司供應及安裝,若於此時期內有某些公司聲稱在香港、澳門及某些在大陸的項目透過其公司供應及安裝,一經發現必送官究治。

If you have any question, please call us for check ==>under floor warming system

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