(How to choose right
under floor warming system and right company?
1. 最重要是專用地暖系統發熱線是否最耐用
(how long of
the life time)?質量是否最好最可靠
(excellent quality)?
2. 設計及安裝公司在當地是否有足夠經驗
( the
local representative with enough
(~20 years local experience)?
3. 是否選擇正確的地暖系統用於水泥層下(right under
floor systems using imbedded the cement sand screed)?
4. 是否包括所有配件及設備 (including all the accessories and
parts)?(還是有偷工減料的情況 (hidden cost)
5. 價格是否合理 (reasonable prices level)
If you have any question, please call us for check ==> |